Thursday, 12 January 2012

First release!

カレコエ ~同棲中の彼~
Karekoe ~Dousei-chuu no Kare~

Company: Fluffy Bunny
Released: 2010.06.10
Price: 1,575円

Boyfriend: Ono Daisuke

01. Title call
02. Mobile version
03. Private time
04. Standard version
05. Secret track

Download: here
Review: here


  1. Yaay first translation post! How exciting :3 Thank you for doing this!

    I just read the welcome message and I'm actually really surprised -- you're not a native English speaker? Your reviews are always written so well that I had no idea.. ^^;;

  2. Thank You~ But like I wrote, I'm not a native speaker (^-^;;) My reviews tend to be full of typo's too (but anything I write is full of those). I need to re-read and re-check a million times and then there are still some stupid typo's left xD

    1. Well, I'm very impressed and VERY grateful for the effort you put into your reviews! :)

  3. Ooooh swwwweeeet! thank you for the translation! :D

  4. I'm a bit late but I just wanna tell you thanks for the translations! QwQ)b aside of being able to understand the drama CD, it also helps me in learning Japanese, so thank you so much! XD

  5. Thank you so much. Will download this.

  6. hello, first i'd like to thank you very much for translating this :D i love daisuke ono's voice XD. but, i'm pretty sure there are 6 tracks. at least from what i've downloaded. the 5th track is silent, the secret track is track 6.. can you check it again please? and then translate the 4th track :D

  7. Hi!!
    Do you mind if I translate this to Portuguese? Please!
    I'll give you the credits, of course!! :)
